
Judge John Deed去左又番黎!

尋晚一心留響屋企睇Judge John Deed series 5最後一集, 點知個timeslot播左第二個節目. 心諗無理由架, BBC官方網頁都話仲有一集就完series 5, 但BBC entertainment網頁就話改左播第二套劇集. 乜無厘頭俾人腰斬呀? 所以決定打封email去質問BBC. BBC效率真係快, 今晚就收佢地既回覆:

Hello and thanks for your email.

Sadly this episode had an OFCOM complaint upheld against it and therefore is not suitable for transmission by the BBC. We are very sorry if you feel your enjoyment of this programme and series was compromised removal of the final episode we had to make for compliance reasons. It is always a dilemma for us. BBC Entertainment plays out across several nations throughout Asia, some of which have strict regulations on issues such as language, sexuality and nudity. It is simply not possible for us to transmit separate programme feeds to all these different countries and so there are occasions where we have to make edits that would not be necessary for Thailand alone. If we did not do this we would be subject to heavy fines and the risk of being taken off air entirely. This also explains why you can sometimes see unedited versions of the same BBC programmes later on other networks.

You should be pleased to hear that we will be repeating series one, which starts from Saturday 14th July so please check the listings closer to the time.

We are sorry for the frustration and hope this goes some way to explaining why the removal of this episode had to be made. Despite this we also hope that you will continue to enjoy BBC Entertainment and look forward to your continued


Douglas Spitz
BBC Entertainment

唉, 又俾人去OFCOM投訴. 原來如此. 不過既然佢地又會repeat番series 1既話, 條氣都順番. 各位, 唔想去HMV買三百幾蚊呢套劇既2區DVD, 就要留意14/7佢地既電視重播. 最重要係有中文字幕, 唔駛下下去問人D好深既法律名詞.

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

嘩,你好厲害呀,真係寫去問!其實我有少少唔明,講offensive, ab fab真係...


mysimplelife 說...

講真之前都係做呢行, 都會用觀眾角度去做野. 明知結局播唔到, 上星期就應該出個slate或者V.O.話俾觀眾知果集會係最後一集, 唔駛等觀眾白等下集, 呢個係頻道負責人應要做既. 唔做盞俾觀眾投訴. 作為觀眾, 尤其呢D收費頻道訂户真係可以大晒. 你俾唔到觀眾想要既野, 觀眾隨時可以cut你台. 你睇Hallmark拎到Oprah個right幾強調中文字幕呢家野, 因為之前響STAR World播左咁多年都係無中文字幕, 呢個死穴就引起個台做唔起既原因.

其實每集B都問我明唔明, 但入面好多法律程序我都係唔多明. 好彩B可以解釋下.

時間唔岩, 較錄影機囉~